
The Current State of Apache Maven 4 - Development
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room 7
While Apache Maven version 4.0.0 is currently in beta stage, there is also a Maven 3.9.X release. In the meantime, I would like to present the different improvements of Apache 4.0.0 with the help of examples. What improvements and customizations have been made so far in Apache Maven 4.0.0 and what are the advantages of the new major release compared to Maven 3.X ?
For example, such as consumer vs. build pom. Or the improvement of the reactor behavior, especially for multi-module builds. Simplified usage of versions within multi module projects also other small improvements (WARNINGs vs. ERRORs). Further improvements for plugin configuration etc. Finally what are the potential breaking changes? What can be done to migrate a current Maven 3.X based project to be build with Maven 4.X ?
Karl Heinz Marbaise
SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung
Karl Heinz Marbaise works as a freelance DevOps in the Java environment. This includes developments in Java (Spring Boot, JUnit Jupiter, etc.) and the development of tools for process support in Go. In the area of build and configuration management (Maven, Jenkins, Nexus, Git) he has been conducting trainings for years. In his spare time he works on various open source projects including the Apache Maven project. He gives talks on various topics at different events. He is Apache Software Foundation Member and currently The Apache Maven Chairman.