
So, your application needs a web interface. Looking at today's trends, you might think JavaScript frameworks are reigning: React, Vue, Angular and many more. On the language axis, JavaScript got company from TypeScript, Web Assembly and even C#.
But it's not all single-page applications that glitter! Of course, a single-page app delivers highly dynamic and interactive user interfaces, but at what expense? What if we revisited some of the ages past, when the server generated our web pages? Can we satisfy the ever-changing requirements of today's users for more interaction and dynamic behaviours using these patterns?
Join me on a trip down memory lane so that we can appreciate server-side web applications again. We'll investigate today's options for keeping things simple. Of course, we'll see the contestants in action. This doesn't have to be boring, after all...
Maarten Mulders
Info Support
Passionate architect, senior developer and trainer at Info Support. Also Java Champion and Oracle ACE Pro. I'm eager to "build the right thing" and to "build the thing right". I focus on lean, elegant solutions and love sharing new ideas and knowledge. Outside work, I appreciate crafting and eating good food, photography, and music, in no particular order.