
In the dynamic landscape of Spring Boot applications, choosing the right concurrency approach is crucial. But which option is the best fit for your specific business case? This presentation will explore a range of technologies, from traditional core Java threads to the asynchronous capabilities of CompletableFuture, the reactive paradigm, the use of @Async methods, and the adoption of virtual threads. Drawing on extensive experience from diverse projects, the presenter will share valuable insights, recommendations, and best practices for developing highly efficient concurrent applications with parallel data processing requirements. Whether you're an engineer or architect involved in designing Spring Boot applications, this talk will provide essential guidance to optimize your development journey.
Andrei Shakirin
Broadcom Tanzu Labs (former Pivotal Labs)
Andrei is a software engineer at Tanzu Application Labs (formerly Pivotal Labs), specializing in application modernization. He is an active committer to several Spring Boot and Apache open-source projects and is a regular speaker at technical conferences.
Andrei's areas of interest include remote API design, cloud computing, resilient distributed systems, security, and domain-driven design.