
Sven Reimers

Sven Reimers is an industrial engineer with over 25 years of experience in designing and implementing distributed systems which have a focus in the engineering domain. He was the lead software architect for a system and network management solution for satellite communication networks, which received the Duke'c Choice award. He currently works on ground segment software for earth observation satellite systems. He is author of several scientific articles, co-author of some Java community driven books and was a long term member of the program committee of the JavaOne conference. He was chosen a Java Champion by his peers. In addition he is the founder of the JUG Bodensee, a member of the openjdk community, member of the Apache NetBeans PMC and lead of TweetWallFX and JTaccuino opensource projects. Currently, he works as an eXpert for functional chain software architecture for earth observation systems at Airbus Defence and Space.

A better Jupyter Experience for Java Developers - JTaccuino unveiled
Tools-in-Action (BEGINNER level)
Room 4

This session shows a new tool for interactive computing for Java developers. Up to now a couple of tools already exist for interactive computing or doing interactive experiments with Java:

  • JShell - terminal
  • Jupyter with Java Kernel - Web based
  • JDoodle - web based

The main idea for creating a new tool was to provide a seamless interactive experience to write Java code, interact with the results using a full graphical interface and all this without the tedious process of compiling and running every time you make a small change achieving a lightweight rapid development cycle. JTaccuino is based on running embedded JShell tooling for executing the Java code and provides a library and some packaged default tooling (JTaccuino Pad, JTaccuino Studio) to allow for maximum flexibility and for direct use or integration in existing environments. For the graphical frontend JTaccuino uses JavaFX.

JTaccuino uses the the Jupyter notebook format (ipynb) for persistence to leverage the source code rendering support e.g. on GitHub.

The session will demo the use of JTaccuino and shows different examples of Jupyter like notebooks in Java with applications from

  • quantum computing simulation using Strange
  • charting using different charting solutions 2D and 3D
  • data science examples using a Java data frame library (Tablesaw)

During the demo a special interest will be to show how a tight integration of a library, e.g. JavaFX charting solutions, can be achieved. This will enhance the overall user experience by adding magic things to the running JShell environment like the automatic display of special variable content.


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