
Martin Stefanko
Red Hat

Principal software engineer at Red Hat, BrnoJUG leader, author Quarkus in Action, MicroProfile committer, working on Red Hat middleware technologies like Quarkus, SmallRye, Wildfly, JBoss middleware (RESTEasy, Weld, ...), programming and microservices enthusiast.

Avoiding career pitfalls — A well-grounded software engineer
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Room 7

In the dynamic landscape of software engineering, navigating one’s career path can be akin to traversing a minefield, fraught with potential pitfalls and challenges. However, by adopting a well-grounded approach, software engineers can steer clear of common traps and setbacks, ultimately achieving success and fulfillment in their profession.

This talk aims to highlight the essential strategies and principles that empower software engineers to build resilient and rewarding careers. Through practical advice and industry insights, attendees will gain valuable perspectives on how to:

  • Cultivate a strong engineering foundation
  • Set achievable goals to mark progress
  • Embrace communication and soft skills
  • Recognize and mitigate burnout or overwork
  • Seek mentorship for continued growth

By proactively addressing these key areas, software engineers can fortify themselves against common career pitfalls, ensuring fulfillment and resilience in an ever-evolving industry. Join us as we delve into the strategies and insights that pave the way for a well-grounded and flourishing career in software engineering.


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