
Cédric Verstraeten

Cédric is specialized in building scalable and resilient solutions within the Kubernetes ecosystem. With a track record of founding successful open-source projects and startups, he has gained insights into the importance of a company using critical development cycles and cutting-edge technologies. It's all about using the right tools for the right people. 

Oh No, Not Another Chatbot - Java and AI for Real Business Use Cases
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Room 9

Join us to explore how Microsoft is advancing Java development with AI. 

Pierre, Cedric and Sandra will showcase a real-world example using various innovative frameworks such as LangChain4J and Spring AI. 

During the session they will demonstrate and code a ready app, and no, it’s not another chatbot. Let’s face it, a free text form is not always the best idea for user input. What is more useful? An image is more worth than a thousand words. We’ll leverage Java on steroids with Azure OpenAI, Azure Container apps and a clean micro service architecture, to extract all the necessary information from an image, to fill out forms automatically without any user interaction. 


Experience the flexibility and power of combining Java and AI on Azure and discover how these technologies can transform your applications. Join us to learn practical tips from experts and improve your development skills to shape the future of your applications. 


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