
Rick Ossendrijver
Rick Ossendrijver

Rick Ossendrijver is a Software Engineer at Picnic, a fast-growing online supermarket. He is part of the Java Platform team, which supports over 300 engineers within the company. Rick is a committer and enthusiast of the Error Prone project. Moreover, he is passionate about improving software quality through static analysis and automation, and works on Picnic's open-source Error Prone Support project.

Transforming Code with OpenRewrite and Refaster
Hands-on Lab (3h) (BEGINNER level)

Any project has its share of code quality issues. And if you think you don't, just wait a while, as existing code patterns and libraries quickly become the old way of doing things. You need to constantly modernize your codebase to keep up, and we’re here to explore tooling that helps you do so.

From a shared passion for code quality, Rick & Tim each arrived at different solutions. Rick is involved with Error Prone Support at Picnic, while Tim works on OpenRewrite at Moderne. Both allow you to manipulate your code to keep things maintainable, but when to use which tool?

In this workshop we’ll go hands-on to explore the relative merits of each tool, as we strive to get rid of common code quality issues affecting codebases. We’ll dive into how you define the changes to make, how to run these code changes, and how to gradually change code and culture across an organization. Walk away with directly applicable fixes, and the toolset and skills to write your own code transformations.

Finally, we’ll highlight the benefits and shortcomings of each tool, with some lighthearted bashing left and right. Up to you to then decide which tool(s) you’ll use going forward.


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