
Tim Van Roeyen
ING Belgium

DevOps engineer working at ING Belgium with more than 10 years of experience in the financial services industry, always doing his best to make other people's lives better. As an advocate for team enablement and streamlined organisations, Tim is convinced of the continuous improvement of technology, processes and developer experience.

Enabling teams for happier and more productive engineers
Conference (BEGINNER level)
Room 9

In tech, we often want to and have to keep on top of technological innovations whilst maintaining a high pace of delivery of ‘business value’. This causes a high amount of stress and cognitive load, resulting in unhappy engineers. But there are ways to reorganize your teams to reduce this burden.

During this talk, we’ll take a deeper look at the concept of Enabling teams as one of the four team types provided by the Team Topologies approach. We’ll be looking at the types of problems and frustrations that can be solved by introducing Enabling teams, and compare them to other similar team archetypes that organisations implement.

Then we’ll look at concrete examples of activities that you can organize on either a small or a large scale through Enabling teams in order to get started with this practice and to reap its benefits.

The goal of this talk is to share our experiences and lessons learned with Enabling teams and to give you some ideas on how to structure your teams and other recommendations to eventually improve your productivity and fellow engineers’ experience.


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