
Leif Åstrand

Leif keeps re-learning, re-discovering and re-inventing how to build web application UIs.

Beyond REST: Using Full-Stack Signals for Real-Time Reactive UIs
Lunch Talk (INTERMEDIATE level)
Room 5

A modern web app needs more than just requesting JSON from the server and submitting form values back as JSON. Users expect more than just another REST-backed CRUD view. They expect real-time updates, offline synchronization, and a seamless experience across devices. It takes lots of development effort to do that with only low-level conventions such as REST and WebSockets.

Many UI frameworks have adopted a concept called "signals" to simplify how different parts of the UI are updated whenever any part of the UI state changes. The same approach can also be used across the network as a full-stack solution to easily update the UIs of multiple users who collaborate through a shared UI state.

This hands-on talk will show you how to use the full-stack signal concept to easily synchronize application data between users through the whole application stack from the UI to the database. You will learn how to build applications that delight your users.


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