
Thierry Parmentier
ING Belgique

Working in the banking & insurance domain for the last 25 years, I'm a passionated IT developer who is currently spending his time between Sustainable IT and Collaborative learning approach with kids (aka Devoxx4Kids) for ING.

"Be the change you want to see in this world" said Gandhi. It's how I see life, and how I try to change it on a daily basis.

Speak with me about collaboration, Agile, Sustainability & all geeky things, as a passionated IT guy, I like them all !

10 Years of Devoxx4Kids

In Belgium Devoxx4Kids was founded in 2013. After that many other countries did follow.

Time to have a get together with all Devoxx4Kids enthusiastic to bring back good memories but also discuss the future of Devoxx4Kids.

Let's connect to each other, learn from each other and help each other to bring our combined knowledge in a fun way to children all over the globe.


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