Speaker Details

Thanos Stratikopoulos
The University of Manchester

Thanos Stratikopoulos is a Research Fellow at the University of Manchester and he is a member of the TornadoVM team. His work focuses on heterogeneous architectures ranging from low-power devices to high-end cloud deployments. His interests include computer architecture, high-performance computing, virtualisation and cloud acceleration. Beyond his research work, he is involved in commercialisation of TornadoVM and he has the role of Impact Champion at the University of Manchester to facilitate researchers of the university towards productising their research ideas.

TornadoVM has originated from the University of Manchester, and it is developed to bridge the gap between the JVM and hardware accelerators, such as GPUs and FPGAs. It is an open-source technology that complements various JDK distributions (e.g., Amazon Corretto, GraalVM, OpenJDK, Red Hat Mandrel, Microsoft JDK, Azul Zulu, etc.) to exploit hardware acceleration. The recipe is simple, a lightweight API, a JIT compiler that can transparently compile Java annotated methods for parallel execution along with a flavour of various runtime features, such as dynamic reconfiguration, concurrent execution on multiple devices, and others.

If you want to learn more about TornadoVM and its recent news regarding the new release and the on-going research, this talk may be of your interest!
