Speaker Details

Ronald Dehuysser

Ronald Dehuysser - a beer-loving OSS developer and software architect from Belgium, creator of JobRunr, a distributed job scheduling engine that plugs right into Spring Boot, Quarkus and Micronaut.

Are you struggling with CPU-intensive tasks, high I/O work, or do you need to schedule background jobs without blocking the rest of your system? I often see teams building a scheduling solution themselves, severely underestimating the complexity of running jobs asynchronously. A costly endeavour, especially with a simple, free and open-source solution readily available.
During this fun session, I will introduce you to JobRunr: the ultimate open-source library for background processing in Java, recommended by ThoughtWorks. By transforming Java lambdas into distributed background tasks, JobRunr allows you to run any job at anytime and on any JVM. We'll delve into its diverse features such as job persistence, automatic retries, scalability (hello k8s), and the integrated dashboard to provide you with a good grasp of the possibilities. Oh, and did you know it also works on GraalVM?
After this session, you’ll have a good idea of what JobRunr is, how it does it's magic and how it will allow you to focus on delivering value to your end users instead of implementing scheduling over and over again.
Do you also dream about the 4-hour workweek? Ever wanted to go to conferences without having to ask your boss for permission?
In this talk, I'll share my personal story: the story behind JobRunr, an open-source distributed job scheduler that now pays my bills! I'll explain why it makes sense to learn different programming languages, I'll tell you all about the highs and the lows I encountered during the development of JobRunr, I'll show you how open-source can be a marketing bliss and I'll enlighten you with my plans for the future.
After this session, you will know whether being a full-time open-source developer is something for you, how you can find product market fit and how you can also become your own boss!