Hasnae is known as "viqueen" among her peers in Sydney, she is a Java architect by trade and a Maven connoisseur;
yet with her 16 years of Java experience, Hasnae decided to keep life interesting by spicing things up a bit and switching to
new tech stacks such as Node/TypeScript and Golang.
One of the recurrent themes from my other compiler workshops is “can you debug it ?” , so in an attempt at getting that sorted I simply ended up running and writing tests , therefore closing the loop on that OpenJDK compiler dev-loop.
So in my series of hacking on the Java compiler, we will focus this session on adding simple syntax updates and explore Jtreg the unit/regression test harness for OpenJDK.
- Task 0 : setup environment and IDE for
- JTreg
- OpenJDK
- Task 1 : run an existing test suite
- Task 2 : syntax sugar support and testing it
for example, enhanced map syntax Map capitals = { "norway" : "oslo", "sweden": "stockholm" }
- Task 3 : run the tests inside the IDE
- Task 4 : run the tests with a debugger attached
Full documentation will be provided
Necessary Tools
- GitHub account
- Java 20 / Java 21
- Docker (which would provide the required Java and Maven environment dependencies)
- Get some exposure to OpenJDK development loop
- Learn to navigate around OpenJDK project
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