
When a nerdy dad and music-playing son join forces and start experimenting with music and code, some nice things can happen. Did you ever present your music piece in a business dashboard with charts? Did you know that the FXGL game library can be used to generate a piano with fireworks? Let's look at music with the MelodyMatrix application and guide you through the process of how a small experiment turned into a full-blown project. 
Join the first Devoxx talk with a live piano performance by a 14-year-old musician-coder, and let's have a battle between human and machine! Who is the best piano player? The musician or a few thousand Virtual Threads? And how far can we push the app's performance to send ByteArrays to an LED strip to react to the music? 
Topics in this talk: Kotlin, Java, JavaFX, Gradle, FXGL, MIDI, Vaadin, GitHub Actions, JDeploy,…
Frank Delporte
Frank Delporte is a Java Champion, developer, and technical writer working at Azul, blogs on his own site and Foojay, author of "Getting Started with Java on the Raspberry Pi", co-organizer of BeJUG, and contributor to Pi4J. He blogs and talks about his experiments with Java, sometimes combined with electronic components, on the Raspberry Pi.
Vik Delporte
Music playing nerd who wants to be an ethical drum playing hacker.